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Object 260 Medium Tanks


MT-1: First Steps 

• Cause damage to an enemy vehicle.
• Win the battle.
• Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*Batchat 25t or Any tier 6+ medium (farm damage and get kills, top exp is required)


MT-2: Good Hit! 

• Fire at least 15 shots that cause damage to enemy vehicles.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 5 enemy vehicles.

*Cromwell, Comet, Panther (support the main battle group of tanks, you need the protection to get 15 damaging shots, which is why a fast firing medium is also needed)


MT-3: The Spearhead 

• Destroy at least 2 enemy vehicles during the first 3 minutes of the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

* BatChat 25t or Skoda T50/51 Cromwell, Comet (3 minutes to get 2 kills, try and target the scouts, and forward progressing mediums, nothing wrong with securing kills that allies have given plenty of damage to)


MT-4: Stay Still, Would You? 

• Destroy the tracks of 4 different enemy vehicles and cause damage to immobilized vehicles at least 4 times.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 3 immobilized enemy vehicles before their tracks are repaired.
• Win the battle.

*Skoda T50/51 or Any tier 6+ medium (I used an auto loader and tried to use my first shot as the tracking shot, if not the second. Take the time to aim the first then empty your clip. You have to do it to 4 vehicles, so the Batchat’s ammo count is a little low but still possible)


MT-5: Counter-Reconnaissance 

• Destroy at least 2 enemy light tanks by shooting or ramming them.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

*Cromwell or Skoda T50, Skoda T50/51 BatChat 25t (the cromwell was the easiest to this mission in. You are able to almost ram most lights of the same tier of their hit points, or finish off with 1 shot and not lose too many hit points. At tier 6 there is a greater chance of light tanks on the enemy side for you to go at. I would fit a spall liner for this mission also)


MT-6: Rapid Fire 

• Destroy a total of at least 6 enemy vehicles of 3 different types.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

*Skoda T50/51 or Any tier 6+ medium (support your main battle group of tanks for your own protection, you need a top gun medal so again, these are personal missions to you, and therefore kill securing is paramount. Pick your target carefully, no point in clipping a full health tank to watch it be destroyed whilst you reload)


MT-7: A Surprise Blow 

• Cause damage to at least 3 enemy SPGs.

Secondary Objective

•Destroy at least 1 SPG
Cromwell or any fast medium tank(arty killed needs to be a tier higher for secondary. Play this mission as you would LT4.7)


MT-8: Confrontation 

• Destroy at least 3 enemy medium tanks.

Secondary Objective

• Cause at least 2,000 HP of damage.

*BatChat25t or Skoda T50, Skoda T50/51, Lorraine 40t (use the clip potential of your autoloaders for this mission)


MT-9: A Worthy Opponent 

• Cause at least 2,000 HP of damage to enemy heavy tanks.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 2 enemy heavy tanks.

*BatChat25t or Skoda T50, Skoda T50/51, Lorraine 40t (maximise the full use of your clips by supporting your heavy tanks. Allow the HT's to weather the damage whilst you farm the enemy heavies. Remember these missions are personal, so if your game play is going against the 'standard meta' for the map, so be it)


MT-10: A Versatile Warrior 

• Cause damage to enemy vehicles at least 8 times by shooting them.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 4 enemy vehicles by shooting or ramming them.

*Cromwell or Any tier 6+ medium (fast firing mediums here, I used the Cromwell firing apcr ammunitions to try and guarantee the 8 penetrating shots)


MT-11: Ram Them! 

• Destroy an enemy vehicle that is 1 tier higher than your vehicle by ramming.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*E50 (I used this fitted with a spall liner, play your game and then look for the low health tier 10’s. If you can get the tracking shot in first to immobilize them, all the better)


MT-12: The Incinerator 

• Set at an enemy vehicle that is the same tier or higher than your vehicle on fire, cause 3k damage.

Secondary Objective

• Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.

*OBJ 140 or Any tier 10 medium. (Retrain for Dead-Eye,look for non turreted td’s to get behind, just keep smashing ammunition into their rear. Play your normal game from the start though as you need to achieve 3k damage also)


MT-13: An Active Action

• Cause at least 6000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 
Secondary Objective

• Personally be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.

Any tier 9+ medium  (I used a Batchat 25t but TVP 50/50, Progetto 65 or Leopard 1 will also do. I played this in T10 due to the larger HP pool of the enemy team)


MT-14: Team Play

• Destroy at least 6 enemy vehicles. 
Secondary Objective

• Cause at least 4,000 HP of damage. 

Any  tier 6+ (I found the Cromwell was the most effective, play well as a wolf pack taking down enemies let your platoon mates let you get the kill shots to get the top. Unless you want honours then play higher tiers for greater HP pool)


MT-15: The Hunter and the Hunted 

• Cause at least 3500 HP of damage to enemy tank destroyers.

Secondary Objective

• Cause damage to 8 enemy vehicles
• Win the battle.

*BatChat 25t/Progetto 65/TVP 50/51 or any tier 10 medium that you play well in (hope the MM has been kind and given you enough td’s to deal 4k damage to. Again dont be too hasty to go and inflict damage to them as you may find yourself isolated. As the predominantly sit at the back wait for the opportune moment to go and unleash hell on them. Try not to expose yourself too much to them and use your view range to keep them at bay, unless you can get behind them.)

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