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T55A Light Tanks


LT-1: For Victory! 

• Win the battle.
• Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or Any tier 6+ Scout (just do what scouts do, stay alive!!)


LT-2: Reconnaissance 

• Personally spot at least 6 enemy vehicles.
• Survive the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or Any fast moving tier 6+ scout (use your vision range, pre determine where most of the enemy team may head and go find em)


LT-3: The Pursuit 

• Cause damage to enemy vehicles at least 5 times by shooting them.
• Spot at least 4 enemy vehicles.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles by shooting or ramming them.

*M41 Bulldog or Any fast firing tier 6+ scout (Bulldog autoloader will complete this in 1 clip)


LT-4: A Forced Halt 

• Destroy the tracks of at least 3 enemy vehicles.

Secondary Objective

• Your allies must destroy at least 2 vehicles immobilized by you.

*M41 Bulldog or T49 (aim for those fly wheels, 2 or 3 shots will do it to each enemy tank)


LT-5: The Forward Observer 

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to destroy at least 3 vehicles spotted by you.

Secondary Objective

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause damage to at least 5 vehicles spotted by you.
• Survive the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or AMX 13-90, T54L (helps to platoon with turreted TD’s that focus your spots)


LT-6: Battle Support 

• Enable your allies to cause damage to at least 6 enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Secondary Objective

• Spot at least 2 enemy vehicles or destroy their tracks. These enemy vehicles must be destroyed while spotted, or before their tracks are repaired.

*M41 Bulldog or Any scout tier 6+ (start game-get the spots but not before you have the support, mid to end game keep spotting or go for detracks)


LT-7: The SPG Hunter 

• Spot and cause damage to 1 SPG. Destroy 1 SPG

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or T37, 59-16, T-71 (if you are lucky to get 3 spg’s, use the auto loader capabilities, DO NOT YOLO TO FIND THEM. If they have been spotted, wait and re spot them again before engaging)


LT-8: Get Out of Our Base! 

• Participate in a successful capture of a base while earning at least 40 base capture points, or reset enemy capture points of your/neutral base while earning at least 40 base defense points.
• Win the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 2 enemy vehicles by shooting or ramming them.

*M41Bulldog or Platoon of tier 6+ scouts (Allow the game to develop, remember you have to get 40 cap points and win. Co-ordinate the reset by working out which enemy entered the cap first to reset. It never hurts to communicate to your team what you are doing)


LT-9: Hawk-Eyed 

• Spot at least 4 enemy vehicles before any enemy vehicle spots you.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or T37, Type 64 with Coated Optics and Binocs, or any Tier 7+ LT


LT-10: The Maximum Result 

• Finish the battle as the top player on both teams by experience earned.
• Survive the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.

*T54l or Any tier 6+ Scout you’re comfortable with (Stay alive, spot the targets and deal damage)


LT-11: A Fair Fight 

• Cause damage at least 10 times to enemy vehicles that are of the same tier as your vehicle or higher.

Secondary Objective

• Cause at least 2,000 HP of damage.

*M41 Bulldog or Any rapid-firing tier 6+ Scout tank


LT-12: The Ghost 

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause at least 1500 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or AMX 13-90, T54L (use the bushes and your cammo rating effectively, resist the temptation to shoot and don’t be too far away from support)


LT-13: The Key to Victory 

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause at least 1800 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 
• Cause at least 2,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 
Secondary Objective

• Personally survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

Any T7+ Scout (Make sure to keep spotting for as long as you can and only take shots when you cant be spotted, you need damage yourself. Only go in for the kills at later game)


LT-14: The Battle Watch

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause at least 3500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 
Secondary Objective

• Personally survive the battle.

Any tier 7+ scout for the hit point pool (Just do what scouts do just make sure you survive)

LT-15: The Aggressive Recon Specialist 

• The total damage caused and the damage caused by your allies upon your spotting or destroying a track of an enemy vehicle must be at least 7,000 HP.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle. Enable your allies to cause damage to 4 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks

*T54L or Any tier 7+ Scout (ofc its map dependant, 7k assist is 4 tier 10 tanks and your damage also counts. Effectively mark the targets you have spotted for your allies to damage, and stay slightly ahead of them. Do not sit in 1 bush all game, once an area has been cleared, progress to the next covered area and mark targets again. Towards the end game, do you own damage too but survival is a must for the secondary. Platoon up with big hitting TD’s to support you, and also let the team know in chat what you are trying to achieve, you never know they may oblige and support you too)

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