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T55a Tank Destroyers


TD-1: Effective Performance 

• Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*SU122/44 or Any tier 6+ TD with high DPM


TD-2: Aimed Fire 

• Cause at least 2,000 HP of damage and destroy enemy vehicles’ modules or injure members of their crew, totaling at least 2 modules and crew members.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• At the end of the battle, have no injured crew members or damaged/destroyed internal modules.

*Grille 15 or SU152, ISU 152 (Use a few HE shells and listen for critical hit announcments, then switch back to penetrating ammunition to gain the damage, use premium consumables for secondary)


TD-3: Good Hunting! 

• Cause damage to at least 5 enemy vehicles.
• Win the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*E25 Any tier 6+ TD (Its only 5 penetrating shots, no problem)


TD-4: Ambush 

• Destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles. Remain unspotted by them at the moment of their destruction.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*Grille 15 or E25, SU100, RHM (sometimes it doesnt hurt to sit back and camp unspotted, also pick your shots, you may aswell kill secure (steal) to complete your mission)


TD-5: A Long-Range Gun 

• Destroy at least 2 enemy vehicles from a distance of 300 m or more.

Secondary Objective

• Cause at least 3,000 HP of damage.

*Grille 15 or any tier 6+ TD with good accuracy (sit back, secure the kills of enemy tanks just inside your render range to make sure of 300 m + then carry on with the game)


TD-6: Precise Calculation

• Cause at least 2,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles from a distance of 250 m or more.
• Enemy vehicles must be on the move.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 3 moving enemy vehicles.

*JPZE100 or Any tier 10 TD (Pre aim your shots at the start of the game to known locations and shoot enemies when they appear, as the game develops most targets will have pushed and be closer than 250m)


TD-7: The First Strike 

• Destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles, having received no prior damage to your vehicle.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*ISU152 or E25, RHM (Sit at the back of your groups of allies you are in, allow your allies to take the enemy's HP down and secure the kills of at least 3 tanks)


TD-8: A Huge Caliber 

• Cause damage exceeding at least 4 times the hit points of your vehicle.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*ISU152 or SU100 (the lower the tier the better but the td has to be one of high alpha, try and make between 6 and 10 penetrating shots, for example 4.4k damage is needed in the ISU152, thats approximately 6 penetrating shots with the BL10 gun at 750 alpha damage)


TD-9: Spot On! 

• Score at least 5 armor-penetrating hits in a row against enemy vehicles.
• Armor-penetrating hits to one or several enemy vehicles are counted.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles.

*E25 or Any rapid-firing TD tier 6+ with APCR (its 5 armour penetrating shots in a row, dont rush them and take that little bit more extra time to aim to make sure)


TD-10: A Hidden Menace 

• Cause at least 3,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*JPZE100 or RHM, Grille 15, Obj 704 (this is a sit back and camp mission, try and keep all the enemy tanks at render range and make 3k damage)


TD-11: The Key Role Tier 

• Finish the battle as the top player on both teams by damage caused.
• Cause at least 3,000 HP of damage.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*ISU152 or Any TD tier 8+ (damage, damage, damage. try and make the magic 6 to 10 penetrating shots for 3k minimum damage)


TD-12: Big Game Hunting 

• Destroy at least 2 enemy heavy tanks.
• Cause at least 3,000 HP of damage.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.
• Survive the battle.

*JPZE100 or Any TD tier 8+ (position yourself to where you know the heavies are going and battle it out with them, kill at least 2 and do 3 k damage, it may help to platoon up with 2 heavy tanks also to try and manipulate the MM)


TD-13: Tank Hunters

• Destroy at least 4 enemy vehicles. 
Secondary Objective

• Personally survive the battle.

*Any TD tier 6+ while platooned (I used ISU152 with T54L (when it was a t8) and arty, work together and try and focus out groups of tanks, let your platoon mates let you get the kill shots)


TD-14: Big Hunt

• Cause at least 20% of the total damage caused to enemy vehicles by your team. 
• Win the battle.
Secondary Objective

• Personally survive the battle.

Any TD tier 6+ while platooned ( big hitting tanks are required, At tier 10 work on an average of 21000 HP, you will have to do a minimum of 4200 hp of damage between you to make 20%)


TD-15: Triumph Tier 

• Cause at least 6,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Secondary Objective

  • Win the battle. Destroy 5 vehicles

*JPZE100 or Any TD tier 9+ (its 6k damage, again the magical number of at least 6 to 10 shots, dont go chasing the damage as you will frustrate yourself and end up in situations where you get surrounded etc. Be patient and allow the damage to come)

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