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T28 HTC Artillery


SPG-1: A Bold Claim

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun enemy vehicles at least 5 times.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Cause damage to enemy vehicles at least 5 times by shooting or ramming them.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any Arty with stun mechanic


SPG-2: Time Is Money

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun enemy vehicles for at least 100 seconds in total.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Destroy at least 2 enemy vehicles.

*Lorr 155 mle or any Arty with stun mechanic (its at least 4 stunning shots for primary conditions)


SPG-3: Slow and Steady Gets Stunned

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun an enemy heavy tank or tank destroyer at least 4 times.

  • The stunning shots should also cause damage.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or any Arty with stun mechanic (obviously aim for HT or TD)


SPG-4: I'll See You Through

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun an enemy heavy tank or tank destroyer for at least 50 seconds in total.

  • The stunning shot should also cause damage.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any Arty with stun mechanic (aim for HT or TD)


SPG-5: Sharing is Caring

Primary Conditions:

  • Enable your allies to cause at least 1,000 damage to enemy vehicles by stunning or immobilizing them.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Cause damage to enemy vehicles at least 5 times by shooting or ramming them.

*Lorr 155 mle or any Arty with stun mechanic (highlight stunned targets to notify allies who to shoot)


SPG-6: Hammer of the Gods

Primary Conditions:

  • Enable your allies to cause damage to at least 3 enemy vehicles by stunning or immobilizing them.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or any Arty with stun mechanic (highlight and stun priority targets and notify allies who to shoot)


SPG-7: Careful Consideration

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun at least 3 enemy vehicles.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any Arty with stun mechanic


SPG-8: I Did My Best

Primary Conditions:

  • Be among the top 5 players on your team by experience earned.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any t6 Arty (keep your gun firing at as many targets as you can hit, the softer the better for more damage)


SPG-9: Collateral Damage

Primary Conditions:

  • Destroy any modules of enemy vehicles or injure members of their crew, totalling at least 5 modules and crew members.

  • The number of destroyed modules and injured crew members is totalled across all enemy vehicles you have damaged in the battle.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Survive the battle.

*FV304 or any fast reloading t6+ arty (if not using the FV304 utilise premium HE for greater effect)


SPG-10: All Included

Primary Conditions:

  • Total damage caused by you and your allies to enemy vehicles that you have stunned or immobilized must be at least 2,000 HP.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Allies must destroy at least 1 enemy vehicle stunned or immobilized by you.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any Arty with stun mechanic (keep your gun in the game, try to stun enemies with large hit pools and notify allies to attack them)


SPG-11: The Area of Effect

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun at least 2 enemy vehicles with a single shot twice.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Stun enemy vehicles for at least 100 seconds in total.

*M53/55 or Any arty with premium HE for greater splash (in essence aim for clusters of enemy tanks)


SPG-12: The Evil Eye

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun enemy vehicles for at least 100 seconds in total.

  • Allies must destroy at least 1 enemy vehicle stunned or immobilized by you.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or any Arty with stun mechanic (highlight stunned targets to notify allies who to shoot)


SPG-13: C for Cooperation

Primary Conditions:

  • Cause damage to enemy vehicles at least 4 times or stun them at least 6 times.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*FV304 or any fast reloading t6+ arty (if not using the FV304 utilise premium HE for greater effect)


SPG-14: Part of the Crew, Part of the Ship!

Primary Conditions:

  • Stun enemy vehicles for at least 100 seconds in total or enable your allies to cause at least 600 damage to enemy vehicles by immobilizing them.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any Arty with stun mechanic (keep your gun in the game, keep firing and moving, try to stun enemies with large hit pools and notify allies to attack them)


SPG-15: War Gods

Primary Conditions:

  • Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Enable your allies to cause at least 1,500 damage to enemy vehicles by stunning or immobilizing them.

Secondary Conditions:

  • Win the battle. Cause 1,500 HP of damage.

*Lorr 155 mle or Any Arty with stun mechanic (keep your gun in the game, try to stun higher tier enemies with large hit pools and notify allies to attack them)

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