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T28 HTC Light Tanks


LT-1: For Victory!

• Win the battle.
• Be among the top 5 players on your team by experience earned.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*T37 or Any tier 5+ Scout


LT-2: Reconnaissance 

• Personally spot at least 4 enemy vehicles.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

*T37 or Any fast moving tier 5+ scout, Recommend ELC AMX


LT-3: The Pursuit 

• Cause damage to enemy vehicles at least 3 times by shooting them.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy at least 2 enemy vehicles by shooting or ramming them.

*M41 Bulldog or Any fast firing tier 5+ scout, Recommend Chaffee


LT-4: A Forced Halt 

• Destroy a track of an enemy vehicle.
• Allies must cause at least 250 HP of damage to the immobilized enemy vehicle before its tracks are repaired.

Secondary Objective

• Your allies must destroy at least 1 vehicle immobilized by you.

*M41 Bulldog or Any tier 6+ Scout


LT-5: The Forward Observer 

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to destroy at least 2 vehicles spotted by you.

Secondary Objective

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause damage to at least 4 vehicles spotted by you.

*M41 Bulldog or T37, Type 64


LT-6: Battle Support 

• Enable your allies to cause damage to at least 4 enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Secondary Objective

• Spot an enemy vehicle or destroy its tracks. This enemy vehicle must be destroyed while spotted, or before its tracks are repaired.

*M41 Bulldog,T37, Type 64 all with Binocs and Coated optics


LT-7: The SPG Hunter 

• Spot at least 1 enemy SPG and cause damage to them.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*M41 Bulldog, ELC AMX, T37, Type 64


LT-8: Get Out of Our Base! 

• Participate in a successful capture of a base while earning at least 20 base capture points, or reset enemy capture points of your/neutral base while earning at least 20 base defense points.
• Win the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Destroy an enemy vehicle by shooting or ramming it.

*Platoon of 3 T37’s or Platoon of tier 5+ scouts


LT-9: Hawk-Eyed 

• Spot at least 2 enemy vehicles before any enemy vehicle spots you.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*T37, Type 64 with Coated Optics and Binocs, or any tier 7+ scout


LT-10: The Maximum Result 

• Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned.
• Survive the battle.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or Any tier 5+ Scout you’re comfortable with and

Gain as much damage and assisted damage as possible, most importantly survive the battle


LT-11: A Fair Fight 

• Cause damage at least 6 times to enemy vehicles that are of the same tier as your vehicle or higher.

Secondary Objective

• Cause at least 1,500 HP of damage.

*M41 Bulldog or Any rapid-firing tier 5+ Scout tank


LT-12: The Ghost Tier 

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause at least 750 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.

Secondary Objective

• Survive the battle.

*M41 Bulldog or AMX 13-90, T54L, ELC even 90


LT-13: The Key to Victory 

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause at least 1500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Spotting damage caused by Platoon mates counts toward this total.
• Cause at least 1,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Damage caused by Platoon mates counts toward this total.
• Can be completed either on your own or as part of a Platoon consisting of your light tank and any other vehicles.

Secondary Objective

• Personally survive the battle.
• Win the battle.

*2 x M41 Bulldogs or Platoon two tier 7+ scouts 

Make sure the scouts do not spot the same area to maximise assistance damage


Mission Video Sp1tf1rE


LT-14: The Battle Watch

• Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause at least 1800 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Spotting damage caused by Platoon mates counts toward this total.
• Can be completed either on your own or as part of a Platoon consisting of your light tank and any other vehicles.

Secondary Objective

• Personally survive the battle.

*3 x M41 Bulldogs or Any tier 6+ scout Platoon

Split the mini map into thirds and cover 1 third each


LT-15: The Aggressive Recon Specialist 

• The total damage caused and the damage caused by your allies upon your spotting or destroying a track of an enemy vehicle must be at least 4,000 HP.

Secondary Objective

• Win the battle. Enable your allies to cause damage to 5 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks

*T54L or Any tier 7+ Scout

I used the lightweight for assistance damage at the beginning to mid game, and used its brawling ability to gain extra damage at end game

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