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Salty Is Gonna Start Streaming

Hi guys, hope you all had a great Christmas and will be celebrating 2017 in style. I just thought I would let you all know that I am planning to start live streaming in the new year. Possibly 2 nights a week and the odd day streams too. Obviously I will be streaming random battles, maybe team battles but I will also be doing mission request games for those who want to understand how I completed all the personal missions in game. You will be able to request a mission for me to show you how to play in the twitch chat of course. There will be the standard follow, donate and subscribe options all available that always helps ;-) I will also have music/song requests on the go too.

I'll keep you all informed of a go live and launch day, and hopefully I'll see some you pop in and support me.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL and thanks for your support this year.!!

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