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Patch 1.6 Personal Mission Changes

As you know, Personal Mission Guides are my thing, and just as 'm about to relaunch all the guides in a more user friendly interface, they change a load of them. Cheers! But anyway, these are the changes coming up. Of course I will re write the guides to reflect these changes.

Wargaming said:

"We continue our consistent work on rebalancing Personal Missions. This time we carefully analyzed statistics from the missions of the third operation of the second campaign, which rewards you with the Object 279 early. We also carefully reviewed your feedback and your suggestions for this operation. As a result of this research, we've decided to simplify the conditions of about 40 missions in total – now they’ll require less time and effort to achieve. To complete them successfully, you will still need solid game skills, but they are no longer as complex as before."

279e Changes

Chimera Changes

Wargaming are also changing the conditions of missions for SPGs.

"After rebalancing the SPG class earlier this year, we knew that we would have to tweak missions for this class, but we didn't have enough data to make specific decisions yet. It took time to analyze how the changes in the gameplay mechanics would affect the statistics of SPGs. Based on these changes, we're now ready to rebalance the missions."

Good luck with your personal missions, and I will have them updated on the guides once 1.6 drops.


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